Saturday, December 12, 2009

Angel Garden Flag After Adam And Eve Had Sin Why Did God Put A Angel To Guard The Garden With Flaming Sword?

After Adam and Eve had sin why did God put a Angel to guard the garden with flaming sword? - angel garden flag

God has not only an angel and a flaming sword set the path to the tree of life in the hat!
Reread Genesis 3:24
He urged the people, and to the east of the Garden of Eden cherubim and a flaming sword, which are placed every way to show the path to the tree of life.

Also unique to God the people in the garden!
Reread Genesis 3:24
He urged the people, and to the east of the Garden of Eden cherubim and a flaming sword, which are placed every way to show the path to the tree of life.


Heart of the Matter said...

They had to take the time to repent ...

Alma 42:3 Now we see that the man presented himself to know as God, good and evil, and he stretched out his hand to eat the tree of life, and live forever, the Lord God, the cherubim and the flaming sword , which was not the fruit
4 And so we see that there was a time to repent man, yes, a time of testing, a time to repent and serve God.
5 For behold, if Adam had his hand immediately stopped, and had eaten of the tree of life, he had always lived by the word of God is no place for repentance, yes, and also the word of God would have been zero, and the great plan of redemption, are frustrated. # 5

Bumble said...

The Garden of Eden was regarded as a paradise, and since God created
Adam in his image, he felt especially Adam ... Garden
Adam thought of danger and well fed - the elements that could not play
He (the garden was a paradise on earth)

with the creation of Eve and original sin and that God was desecrated garden
I was not happy - it fell short in their eyes

God's punishment was due to the fact that God continues to dear Adam reluctantly
but I could not miss

God banished Adam and Eve are suffering from paradise, never
a life that should have gone their own way - not
No walk in the garden of plenty

Since Adam and Eve were so easily deceived by the serpent, that God felt the confidence
to obey its rules broken for ever - when to make
niether of them will never return


Faquarl said...

Perhaps as a sign that people have lost their "life in Christ") (the love of his rational intrepid nature, because the illusion of separation. And he was not able to return to God. They had think they were far from God because they forgot they are a part of God. In their own image.

Reaching... said...

These religions Cup symbolizes the true knowledge of humanity: the Tree of Knowledge and the serpent, symbol of the double helix of DNA, for example.

State of Trance said...

Exaggeration to add details, the Bible.

Why does God when Adam and Eve are just weak people?
Why does a flaming sword?
Why a sword? I thought back to swords werent invented saver in the journalist and Age

Dove is the Guide said...

The means is the root of the tree. Beelzebub, the god of this world, which holds the secret lies.

Purity said...

To prove she had done wrong, he could never return to the perfect life she had before.

IronMan of Rome said...

He could not afford a wall of fire.

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